Error Handling Inside Kumologica Subflow

Error handling inside Kumologica subflow are reusable actions that can be used within a flow. Developers can develop subflows to carry out typical processes unique to a bespoke application. Subflows are made up of Subflow inputs, which send variables to the actions in the subflow.

A sub-flow is a section of the flow that is defined using the Subflow In and Subflow Out nodes. A sub-flow helps improve the reusability of logic and provides better readability of your code.

The subflow node invokes a subflow from any point in your flow. The node will be able to show one of the list of Subflow In node names that you can select to edit. The moment a Subflow In node is added to the canvas, the name of the subflow node will be listed in its drop-down.

Each subflow execution has its context. For more information refer to the Context section. Payload, variables, or any other message properties are not modified by this node.

Error Handling Inside Kumologica Subflow

Error handling is one of the most essential components of developing dependable, easy,  resilient flows. The Catch node is critical for handling mistakes in a flow. By carefully arranging Catch nodes, you may gracefully handle errors and ensure that your program responds successfully to unforeseen events.

Alternatively, the second option is to detect the problem and proceed to the next processing block without interrupting the flow. The second approach is most commonly employed when iterating through a subflow within a for loop. When an error occurs within the loop, the catch node will connect to the For-Loop end node rather than an Even Listener End node. By doing so, the iteration is skipped to the next iteration without any further processing related to the for-loop processing block. For example, in the figure below, node three is skipped when thrown at node 2.

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Manage Flow Errors with a Subflow

When a Flow problem occurs in Salesforce, the user is confronted with a wall of red text. It does not explain what went wrong or why. Simply “an unhandled fault has occurred.”. This is not a positive experience. Fortunately, we can enhance this with a single basic subflow that can be reused throughout your organization.

The subflow only requires two elements and six resources. After you construct it, anytime a flow issue occurs, an email will be sent to the admin (or anybody else you specify) with the error details and user information. The user will get a screen indicating what the error was, that the admin has been notified, and what to do next.

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How can one do Error Handling Inside Kumologica Subflow

Let’s look at the steps to do Error Handling Inside Kumologica Subflow below-

1. Create a variable: Create a variable. Flow is one of the most considerable variables to be a type of “Resource”. To create a very new Flow variable, click the “New Resource” button in one of the Toolbox on the left of the Flow Builder. In the “New Resource” dialog, select “Variable” for the Resource Type.”

2. Create the Send Email Action

Service Now plugins. Activate a plugin. Activate a plugin on a personal developer instance. Request a plugin. 

  • Find the components and install.
  • Available system properties.
  • Query join and complexity size limits.
  • Web proxy. NTLM authentication. Proxy servers for SOAP clients.

3. Create the Error Screen: To create an error screen section in a sub-flow in ServiceNow Flow Designer, you can do the following:

  • Create or open a flow
  • Turn on the Error Handler switch
  • Add actions, flow logic, or sub-flows to the Error Handler section

You can add up to 10 actions, flow logic options, or subflows to the Error Handler section. A subflow can capture error information or fix record data issues. 

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To create an error screen, you can use the Display Image component to reference a static resource in your organization for an image and the Display Text component for text.

4. Save and Activate: Your subflow has now been completed. Save and activate it so you can use it in subsequent flows.

  • Don’t fail silently.
  • Follow the programming language guides.
  • Implement the full error model.
  • Avoid swallowing the root cause.
  • Log the error codes.
  • Raise errors immediately.

Simple syntax flaws, faulty Boolean logic, and scoping issues are all examples of implementation faults. The space of implementation errors overlaps significantly with that of specification faults.

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One of the major Examples of implementation

This term refers to transforming formal plans, which are frequently quite comprehensive conceptual plans that will have a large impact, into reality. For example, installing new parking rates requires everyone to put more money into parking meters.

Purpose of an Implementation Plan

Implementation plans divide these strategies into smaller chunks of concrete tasks, providing much-needed step-by-step guidance to accomplishing the end goals. A successful implementation plan can even help a layman grasp a whole project, leaving no space for uncertainty.

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Exception handling is applicable to flows

Add exception handling to your flow that has a flow reference to your subflow.

Implementation is the execution or practice of a plan, a method, or any design, idea, model, specification, standard, or policy for doing something. As such, implementation is one of the versatile actions one must follow in any given circumstance, including preliminary thinking for something to happen.


There are the following ways to handle the error in Mule 4. if you want to handle any error raised in a subflow. Use on error continue error handler, when you do not want to let the parent flow/sub-flow know that an error has occurred and want to continue the processing further.

To isolate error handling within a flow, you can place a Try scope within the flow or subflow rather than creating a distinct flow. The trade-off is that error handling using a Try scope happens inline within the flow, making it more difficult to reuse between flows or subflows. We hope this post helped you understand and efficiently apply error handling within a subflow for the intended use case. We’ll come up with another theme for my next piece. Until then, stay tuned.

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